Congresso Medicina Regenerativa

Recordando alguns momentos do 5th International Congress of Regenerative Medicine do Orthoregen International Course que aconteceu entre 05 e 08 de dezembro no Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resort no Rio de Janeiro.

A Biodevice agradece e congratula todas as comissões organizadoras e seus parceiros de negócios, que foram peças importantes para a entrega com excelência de um evento de alto nível. Temos orgulho de nossa parceria com o Orthoregen em educação profissional e pesquisa clínica, pois acreditamos que juntos podemos ajudar a transformar a vida de nossos pacientes. 

Agradecemos também a todos os congressistas que nos prestigiaram visitando nosso estande e para àqueles que quiseram conhecer mais sobre um novo conceito em soluções biológicas, por favor, visite:

Remembering some moments from the 5th International Congress of Regenerative Medicine hosted by Orthoregen International Course, which took place between December 5 and 8 at the Sheraton Grand Rio Hotel & Resort in Rio de Janeiro. 

Biodevice thanks and congratulates all the organizing committees and their business partners, who were important players in the excellent delivery of a high-level conference. We are proud of our partnership with Orthoregen in professional education and clinical research, as we believe that together we can help transform the lives of our patients.

We would also like to thank all the delegates who honored us by visiting our booth and for those who wanted to learn more about a new concept in biological solutions, please visit:

Fonte: Biodevice Medical